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Building Self-Esteem: Confidence vs. Godfidence

In our everyday lives, we often seek confidence from external sources like achievements or others’ opinions. This kind of confidence, driven by the ego, can be fragile and fleeting.

But there’s another kind of confidence – Godfidence. It’s about seeing yourself the way God does: unique, valuable, and perfectly created for a purpose. Unlike worldly confidence, Godfidence isn’t about impressing others or meeting external standards. It’s about trusting in God’s plan for you and embracing your true self.

In this podcast, we’ll explore the difference between worldly confidence and Godfidence. Through stories, insights, and practical tips, I’ll show you how to tap into the deep well of Godfidence within you. Get ready to step into a new level of confidence – one rooted in faith and trust in God’s vision for your life!

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